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Seeking Nominations for the OSFMA Board

February 27, 2023 5:17 PM | Josie Hummert (Administrator)

Have you ever considered serving on the OSFMA Board?

We'd love to talk with you if you're curious about what it would be like. We are seeking candidates for 3 positions. See the information below and reach out if you have questions.


This position serves as a monitor of the financial affairs of OSFMA. The Treasurer is one of five officer positions, serves a two-year term, and does not progress through the roles of the executive board. The Treasurer works closely with OSFMA staff to develop the budget, review finances, and approve expenses. OSFMA board members serve on committees and additional meetings may be needed throughout the year.

Zone Director (Zones 2 & 4)

As Zone Director, your representation on the Board not only gives a voice to different geographical areas but also assists the Association in serving the unique needs of the zones. Candidates must be a member of the zone they are declaring candidacy for. Zone Directors may serve two consecutive, two-year terms (total of four years).

Other Board Positions

We have 2 other board positions open and have nominations. Having a nomination for a position does not mean that you cannot declare interest and run for these positions. If you wish to run for either of these positions, send an email.

Vice President

Anne Birky from Bend-LaPine is a nominee for this position. She has served as the Zone 4 Director and desires to move into an officer position.

Zone 1 Director

Robyn Stolin from Parkrose is a nominee for this position. He is completing a term and is eligible to serve for one more term.

Why Serve on the OSFMA Board?

The Board directs how the Association serves members, both school and business. In addition to having a positive impact on the work of the association, board members also expand their own knowledge base which increases their capacity and potential job growth.

Process & Eligibility

When officer positions are open, an election is conducted during the Annual Business Meeting at the Annual Conference. Zone Directors are elected by members in their zone during the zone meeting held at the Annual Conference. Candidates must be a current OSFMA member.

Role & Commitment

As a member of the OSFMA Board, you'll need to be available to attend all board meetings (monthly or bi-monthly depending on time of year and virtually). One two-day retreat is held in August and is in person. OSFMA is committed to making service on committees and the Board as easy as possible by allowing virtual attendance at in person meetings and holding select meetings virtually.

Are You Interested?

Candidates who wish to serve may nominate themselves by emailing OSFMA or contacting the Past President, Vonnie Good. We can discuss your experience or answer questions.

Oregon School Facilities Management Association

707 13th St SE, Ste 100, Salem, Oregon 97301
p: 503-480-7209 |

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