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Results of the Election

April 16, 2018 11:14 AM | Josie Hummert (Administrator)

During the 2018 Annual Business Meeting, members in attendance voted on two leadership positions and one measure related to the Bylaws of the Association.

The membership voted to elect Vonnie Good, longtime OSFMA member and Vonnie Good picEnvironmental Health Specialist for Salem-Keizer School District, to the Vice-President position. Vonnie will serve one year terms in each of the Vice President, President Elect, President, and Past President positions.

Jon von Behren, the current Secretary/Treasurer was re-elected toJon von Behren serve for another two year term. Jon works for Oregon Episcopal School in Portland.

The Bylaws, as proposed, were approved unanimously by membership. A summary of the changes is still available. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jon von Behren, Chair of the Bylaws Sub-committee.

Zone Meetings

The terms of the Zone Directors of Zones 3 and 4 ended April 2018. During the Zone Meetings held at the Annual Conference, each zone held an election for a new Zone Director.

Zone 3 elected a new Zone Director, Tracy Grauf, from Roseburg School District. Tracy will serve a two year term as Zone Director and on the Board of Directors.

Zone 4 chose to re-elected Walt Norris for another two year term.

Oregon School Facilities Management Association

707 13th St SE, Ste 100, Salem, Oregon 97301
p: 503-480-7209 |

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